What We Do

In general, our education system is impaired on many counts. We emphasize more on memorizing instead of developing reasoning and cognitive skills. Our education is focused towards learning from books that are largely outdated.

If we observe the quality of education between urban and rural Bangladesh, we can see a striking dissimilarity. At the same time, the quality of education in Dhaka is superior to that offered in other cities in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, even Dhaka offers a handful of schools and colleges that offer quality education.

At the same time, our curriculum in schools and colleges are not tailored with the needs of the industry or vocational education. As a result, twenty eight lakh graduates pass out of universities every year but only three to four lakh youth get employed.

With the above in mind, Chunati Lighthouse has embarked on this laudable venture to train the current crop of students in numerous schools and madrasah’s in Chunati in the following fields:

Digital education

Digital education is the innovative incorporation of modern technology and digital tools to assist the progress of teaching and learning. Digital learning is replacing traditional educational procedures more and more each day. Analyze the use of digital technologies offers teachers the chance to design engaging learning opportunities in the courses they teach, and these can take the shape of combined or completely online courses and programs. The digital education system revolutionized the old chalk and board process of learning in classrooms. It has made learning mobile, interactive and engaging, motivating students to take an interest in digital learning and maintain it. Most of the schools and institutions are adopting this technology as a solution.

Chunati Lighthouse is currently hosting 15 computers that will be connected to the internet. Students from Class 1 to 10 will have access to online materials and videos to guide them in their core subjects. Noted academicians will carefully select the materials.

Skill development

We will offer skill development in two major areas (1) vocational and (2) leadership skills. Vocational guidance will cover areas such as refrigeration, electrician, welding, mechanics, electronics, mobile repair, carpentry etc. Leadership skills will encapsulate the soft skills required in today’s world to be successful in workplace as well as an entrepreneur. This will cover the emerging concept of Emotional Intelligence.

Information technology

We are now in the thick of the fourth industrial revolution. IT is now enveloping our lives in a manner that we had not fathomed. Whilst IT will redefine the shape of jobs in the future with repetitive jobs being phased out to robotics, endless opportunities are opening up in various IT fields. In the context of Bangladesh, freelancing is leapfrogging with Bangladesh capturing the second place in the world with a 16% market share just after India with a 24% market share

Chunati Lighhouse will be organizing regular training on content writing, robotics, web and graphic designing, phython programming, blockchain programming etc. This will harness the enormous potential of the current unemployed youths in the village who will be trained in the emerging technologies.